In a corner of trust
You left some dust
You said -
Whistle of dust
Tokyo; Japan
Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss Whistle, hiss
Our words
- were never spoken
The speakers hiss to me
You said - how tall you were
The rustling sound of your wet white shirt
On my skin. There are some traces
Of your voice
The song in my mind
That night before - your wound
Came across the light
⁃ Some dust in a glass
It was a tiny pocket
Of trust
Of hiss
All over us - Everywhere
Invisible trace of your voice
That night you left
- Pinch of dust
In a corner - Of your skin.
You were afraid of being an ash
Can you say?
With a singing bowl in my hand
They said - You are dead
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
Before that night
The light across your wound
It was a whistle
A song of dust
⁃ Here, some dust
You said
In my pocket - you put your ashes
Here the song
⁃ Would you be?
Too late for anger, darling
The sound of dust came across
Of words
⁃ You were dead
The voice became a dust
We do enough
⁃ light across your shirt
With a hiss of love
With a whistle around us
My song has no words.
Just a hiss
Of us
Your ashes be left in creases of my skin
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
In a corner of trust
You left some dust
You said
Whistle of dust
Do not, please, tip
For birds, else what?
You were tall
Now what - Just ash
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
Whistle, hiss
sound ingredients: bird fluff, dust, ashes, eggs, nutritious bird food, immune medication, water, salt