Patterns of everyday existence


Our everyday reality consists of many rituals, many of which, repeating from day to day, turn into some form of meditation. Daily relocation processes in physical spaces between the moments of our conscious states are for us to be in spaces of our absence, while for an outside observer such relocation processes become a reflection of our innocent form, not overloaded with a conglomeration of meanings; the choreography of daily repetitive movements and interactions forms both a complete perception of the environment for an outside observer, as well as unreflected and unconscious sensations of the participants in these interactions. Conscious and unconscious micro-processes of every day life are continuously and inevitably intimately related, forming a complex choreography of the space surrounding us; in this multilayer process, each element seems to be self - sufficient and has its own meaning; but taken together they create a single choreography of an open form of unconscious, repetitive interactions both individually and with the environment as a single organism.

One example of such rituals is the relocation practice - our daily repetitive movements in physical space; such movements have own rhythm and own choreography of interaction with the landscape with the strangers: on the one hand, they are determined by the surrounding reality, but on the other hand, together with other movements, It forms the very same choreography; in turn, this single form as a reflection of the innocent unconscious form of coexistence further creates a single environment for the future self-identification;  Such choreography appears and disappears in the most familiar and common places, on the streets, at train stations, inside houses and flats: both in a material world, filled with meanings and functions, and in a world of contexts and sequences; the result is an unattainable space - the space of the distance that connects the real, material world with the subtle, nonmaterial space; the everyday distance becomes a reflection of the distance between the everyday and the temporary. 
Day after day, we are in the space of own relocation, at the moment when it does not consciously fill our route; this moment is like a pause in our move, we are immersed in a routine, we know the end point, we know where our body should physically be; but do we know how much time we spend in spaces where there are only our steps, steps that fill the void, steps that form rhythms and form this space of infinite, through movement as a phase of transition to a meditative way of being? what happens if we try to measure this space and shape the moment of relocation?